You know how when you have your second child, you tend to compare everything to the first? Like how he cut his teeth at this age or she walked at that one.
It can take a while to realize this new child is not the same as the one you already have, and he isn’t going to behave like it.
I was able to avoid some of these comparisons with my first two kids because I expected a boy to be different from a girl.
But twins?
It’s bad enough that everyone on the planet expects them to be exactly the same, but when their parents start comparing….poor things!
I have to remind myself that though they look so much alike, they are different and will develop differently. Just because one strings words together all day long and the other saves her words for choice moments when no one seems to be listening doesn’t mean she isn’t developing her language in an acceptable time frame. On the other hand, she can climb trees around her sister who is more timid than her adventuresome twin.
And it’s ok.
Because just like each of my sisters is unique in talents and gifts and temperaments, my little ones are only identical in looks (and blood type and genetics…) but not in personality. Because God created each of them as an individual. The wonder of how still blows my mind.
But as I watch them laugh and grow and see the uniqueness that many in the world might miss, I am so very glad he did.