Happy November, everybody! I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed. The past several months have been nothing but a blur, but God has been faithful and good throughout.
I didn’t participate in Write 31 Days this year so I am planning on posting every day this month. Some days, my posts may be nothing more than a scripture about giving thanks; other days, I’ll share recipes or crafts or devotionals. I hope you’ll join me each day!
Today, I’d like to start off with Psalm 9:1, which says:
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds.”
This verse is the heart of what I hope to do this month. This year, I don’t want to spend Thanksgiving thinking more about what I’m going to cook than about being grateful to the one who provides every bite of food we eat. And I want my family to focus on thankfulness, too.
But not just with the simple saying of grace.
I want us to do what the Psalmist says and give thanks with all our hearts. I want to stop and meditate on the giver of all good gifts.
He deserves it, y’all.
This week alone, he has answered our prayers in big ways. He’s provided more than I imagined he would. He’s given comfort to hurting hearts. He’s sparked an interest in reading in a child who “hated” it before.
And, those are just some of his wonderful deeds.
And, I am thankful.
Today, I’d love to hear some of the things you’re thankful for so I can rejoice with you, too.
I’d also like to know how do you focus your heart and the hearts of your family members on thanksgiving during the month of November and all year round.
Leave a comment and let me know! Also, be sure to share a link to one of your recent faith-filled posts this week for Encouraging Word Wednesday.
Hi Charlie–I’m thankful today for my favorite sweater, hot tea, and low clouds so I can take a much-needed nap. Every day I try to help my children say things they are thankful for, to quell the complaining. Usually it works! Blessings to you 🙂
Sarah, I used your suggestion the very next day with my kids! Thank you!