“The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:23-24) My mouth. Yours too, probably. There’s a reason James said, “The tongue also is…a world of evil among the parts of the body.” (James 3:6) Tongues are hard to tame. They’re ...
31 Days of Wisdom
A Continual Feast
It’s all about our attitudes, isn’t it? My kitchen is in need of some freshening up. The floor is dark brown linoleum. The cabinets are a golden yellow that is faded in places and scratched in others. I really don’t like either the floors or the cabinets. I have a friend, however, who would like to paint her cabinets the same color. “Ugh” is all I can say. My kids have ...
If you love your children….
I have two two year olds. Yes, you read that right. Two children in the terrible twos throwing temper tantrums all the time. Sorry for all of the alliteration. Twins will do that to you. Around here, everything is multiplied. That includes the need for discipline. But, I’m betting you guessed that. To be honest, I often dread the need to discipline my kids. Please tell me ...
Peace and Joy and Proverbs 12
My oldest daughter is a peacemaker. Her first grade teacher told me so. And, it’s true. She seeks peace and strives for it. To have friends or family at odds with one another grieves her. I mean, it really troubles her. Like it should trouble me. Because we are all meant to be peacemakers, aren’t we? After all, we follow the Prince of Peace. As his people, we should be the ...