So, I'm in party-planning mode this week. We have a little birthday to celebrate, and it's presenting me with a few unique challenges. First, the birthday boy has completely confused me about the theme. We've gone from Diego to Dinosaur Train and back again, with stops at Thomas the Tank Engine and Easter Egg Hunts along the way. Honestly...why did I ever ask? Right now, he just ...
Make-It-Yourself Monday
Make-It-Yourself Monday: Sweet Treats For Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if you're anything like me, you might be looking for quick, easy and inexpensive treats for a classroom full of kiddos. Well, look no further! These little lollipops are easy enough to make that my seven year old pretty much did it herself after I showed her how. I don't remember where I first saw the idea, but these have been on my ...
Christmas Memories & Candy Thermometers
For today's edition of Make-It-Yourself Monday, I thought I'd share a special recipe and the memories that go with it. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas! Two of the fondest memories I have of my grandmother involve candymaking. The first is funny and involves two very small girls, four not-so-clean hands and an entire batch of streaked taffy. Oh, and one very frustrated ...
Make-It-Yourself Monday: Cute Reindeer Shirts!
I admit it...I LOVE to have cute Christmas shirts for my kids, AND I prefer they match. AND I REALLY prefer not to pay $35 a piece for them so, this year, I decided to make them myself. With a little help from this tutorial, I whipped them out in no time, and you can, too! Because little boys don't wear bows.... And, big sisters sometimes like to match their little ...