Do you know what happens when you lose sight of your purpose? You often lose sight of your joy, too. There is great power in remembering your purpose. You know, when I'm in the midst of all the madness, working on science projects and cooking dinner and doing dishes and basically trying to keep our little world spinning in the right direction, it can be easy to ...
Five Minute Friday: Breathe
Out of the corner of my eye I saw my eleven year old lifting her younger sister onto her shoulders today. I almost passed out. I'm not kidding. I had to command myself to breathe, to relax, to let go. To trust. It's a little problem I have, this freezing with fear from time to time. Last spring, in Kenya, I watched a kid climb to the highest branches of an ...
How to Form Real Life Relationships in a Virtual Reality World
We live in a world of fast-paced communication that seldom sinks much lower than the surface, and while we often know what half of our "friends" ate for lunch, we don't seem to know much else. We're always in contact, but we seldom connect. It's lonely, isn't it? This knowing the details without the depth. For moms who are at home with kids each day, the isolation can be overwhelming. I ...
10 Things You Need to Know About Prenatal Vitamins
How do you choose the best prenatal vitamins before pregnancy? Why should you? Read on to find out! Here on MississippiMom, I haven't written much about pregnancy, but believe me, I could. I've had three c-sections, one miscarriage and a set of twins. Oh, and bedrest repeatedly. I haven't written much about all of it because, to be honest, the emotions were a bit too raw, too ...