Has it really been four months since I last posted here? Good grief. I do apologize for the absence. In the mean time, my blog had a bit of an identity crisis (much like its author, I guess) so I have done a little redesign and figure that if the kids can get back to school I can get back to blogging. We're busy. I'm busy. Everyone's busy, and to be honest, it's easy to be overwhelmed ...
I’m Trying: Confessions of a Mom Just Making It
Yoda once said, "Do or do not. There is no try." Y'all, Yoda wasn't human. And, if there's anything I know about being human, it's this: Some days, the triumph IS the trying. Not the outcome, but the effort. As a mom, many days, all I can say is, "I'm trying." I'm trying to hold it together when it all seems to fall apart. I'm trying to teach them to ...
You are NEVER just a mom.
I've seen others do it. I've done it myself. That little half-shrug that goes with the standard response to the question, "So, what do you do?" "I'm just a mom." A little lie wrapped up in a shrug and sealed with a sort of half smile. But still a lie. Because you have never been "just" a mom. And neither have I. My pediatrician and I were talking about it this ...
Five Minute Friday: Present.
I'll be honest. Lately, I feel like I'm living with one foot here and another a world away. It's a long distance to straddle. You know, I've lived with my heart stretched that way for a long time, but because of advances in technology and social media, I'm able to be more present in the lives of my Kenyan friends. We chat on What's App, message on Facebook and can occasionally ...