Let Deborah encourage your kids to live fearless lives of faith!
I love when I can share resources to encourage your heart and those of your children, and A Fearless Leader, A Bible Story About Deborah does just that! Written by Rachel Spier Weaver and Anna Haggard, this book tells the story of Deborah in a fresh and exciting way that kids will enjoy.
The illustrations by Eric Elwell are beautiful, and the tale begins with Deborah’s childhood and the fear she felt as her home was invaded by enemies.
And how she showed courage in the face of fear.
A Fearless Leader – Deborah
As a grown woman, Deborah led the Israelites with wisdom, her faith making her fearless in the face of further attacks from the enemy.
A Fearless Leader tells the story in a way that will have kids wanting to read the story for themselves and interested in learning more about the woman at the center of the tale…and the God who authored it in the first place.
At the end of the book, there are discussion questions to help deepen your kids’ understanding of the spiritual themes in the story – asking them to consider their own actions and look for instances of bravery among them, having them reflect on the gifts and talents God has given them and how they can be used like Deborah was, and encouraging them not to fear for God is always with them, just like he was with Deborah.
Encourage your kids to remember they need not fear for God is always with them, just like he was with Deborah. #AFearlessLeaderClick To TweetCalled and Courageous Girls
The book is one of a series called Called and Courageous Girls, which has the goal of “shining the spotlight on the heroic women of the Bible.” The Called and Courageous Girls website says:
“Called and courageous girls are disciples, political and spiritual leaders, philanthropists, moms, businesspeople, evangelists, prophets, and so much more.Through the stories of female Bible heroes, The Called and Courageous Girls series invites your children to answer God’s calling to discover and use their talents, passions, and gifts to journey with Him on a lifelong adventure.”
The series includes two other books: A Brave Big Sister, A Bible Story About Miriam and An Extraordinary Teacher, A Bible Story About Priscilla. Another will be released in March, 2019 and will feature the story of Rahab.
Check them out! I have a feeling we’ll be adding these to our home library as well.
(I received a review copy of this book but was not financially compensated in any way, and the opinions expressed above are my own honest opinions of the book in question.)
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I’ve always loved the biblical stories of bold and fearless women, but I must say they are taking on a new life for me after having raised four sons, and now, suddenly receiving the gift of a granddaughter. May our girls have courage to sing the song of Deborah all their days!
Sounds like a great study. With a 13 year old girl at home it may need to come live at our house! laurensparks.net