I’m not sure how Kate does it…but she always chooses a word that “fits.” This one fit me to a tee today. Read and write along with us at Five Minute Friday, will you?
Today’s word is : “BREAK”
And, yes, I need one.
Here goes:
So, a website I’ve been working on crashed yesterday. Seriously. It’s broken.
And, the only thing I hear more clearly than the broken record of elevator music playing while I’m on hold with the tech people, is the continuous cry of the voice in my head screaming, “Failure!”
The one that reminds me someone else…ANYONE else…could do this better than I can.
The same voice that whispers doubts and condemnation as I parent some very strong-willed children.
The same voice that asks “How could you possibly be part of fixing anything?”
Because I am also broken.
No website could crash more often than I do.
Whether it’s my temper or their tantrums or the urge to give in when I’m ready to give out.
When I’m ready to collapse in a heap of hot, tired tears and simply be broken….
That’s when I get fixed.
Because Jesus came to “save sinners, of which I am the worst,” right?
I don’t’ know if you are the worst sinner? If we met we would be in good company. I feel my natural carnal self coming through all the time. I’m amazed every time I kneel and he still answers. Nice to meet you, a FMF neighbor.
Thank you for sharing.
So thankful that our brokenness is molded into beauty in His hands
May you feel the Holy Spirit’s soothing presence as you face each challenge today! We are all broken and desperately in need of a savior–and yes, sobbing at his feet is a wonderful place to be :).