Are you getting ready for the winter weather that’s on the way? Everyone at Wal-Mart yesterday was. People were leaving with kerosene, heaters, water, lamp oil…some stuff I didn’t even know our Wal-Mart sold. We’ve been watching the weather, too, looking at the news, glancing at the skies…waiting.
It reminds me of other times like this…when everyone is talking about what’s coming and waiting in expectation for it.
My daughter and I spent some time talking about waiting at Christmastime when she was waiting for Santa to come. Like the people with the lamp oil at Wal-Mart, she too was getting ready. She put out cookies and milk, she hung her stocking and she went to bed to speed his arrival. She told me she just couldn’t wait.
So, we had a little talk about waiting…and how we’re waiting for someone much more important that Santa. Just like we watch the skies for ice and snow, we should be watching for Him. Just like we’re preparing our homes for cold weather, we must prepare our hearts for Him. The people leaving with the lamp oil reminded me of something He said once…we are to keep our lamps burning for the bridegroom is coming. May we speak of Him, watch for Him, long for Him, and prepare for Him….