The battery on my computer is running low and can’t be charged at this moment, but I want so much to write a bit about the past two days. The problem is that I have no idea where to begin.
Yesterday (Saturday), we kept the schedule pretty clear, running errands and getting re-acquainted with the city we used to call home. Can I tell you how I love it? (Maybe I’ll do a post soon…with pictures….otherwise you’d never understand.) We were able to meet old friends for lunch and enjoyed the visit so much. The funny thing about missionary friends is that truly they are family…which is why I can be traveling with a friend I haven’t seen in ten years and staying at the home of someone I’d never met before today and not feel strange at all about it. The body of Christ is beautiful like that.
So we explored the city, saw so many changes and visited the apartment complex where we used to live. It’s seen better days…but we had such a blast. We were able to get some contact information from our friends about ministries they thought we should look into, find an orphanage that we’ll be visiting later this week and buy a couple of kikoys for research into craft ideas. That’s a lot to accomplish in one day around here.
Today, we attended Parklands, a strong local church that I love. It’s vibrant and alive and passionate about making disciples of all nations. The sermon was about how worship releases the battle to the Lord, and I can tell you I needed to hear it. Afterwards, we met with the leaders of the women’s ministry of the church.
Let me just say “wow.” These women are committed to discipleship and do it in a wonderful way. The pastor wrote a Bible study about women in the Bible then taught it to his wife, who taught it to twelve women, who taught it to twelve others….you get the idea. It’s amazing.
But the amazing thing is that I found our hearts were all in line with a desire to minister to women in a way that will help them improve their lives and provide for their families. And the wise women we met with had some wonderful ideas and suggestions. I can’t tell you how encouraged I was after the meeting, truly feeling that God had put it together and that He does, in fact, have a plan. (The whirlwind that’s been this trip has often left me wondering if I’m actually following or just flying…by the seat of my pants that is.)
After the meeting, we ate lunch at a new shopping center and couldn’t believe we were actually in Kenya. So much has been built and so much has changed….we haven’t decided yet if we like it though I expect we will when our heads stop spinning.
This afternoon we drove a couple of hours and are visiting the baby home and women’s knitting project tomorrow…I promise to post pictures!
For now, pray for continued safety for us here and for my family at home. Pray that God will continue to reveal his plan and his vision….and that he will lead us and guide us and make straight paths for our feet.
Thank you….
Bob Allen says
Sounds like you were at the early service at Parklands. Wish we had known — we were there.
MississippiMom says
We were! I saw you from a distance but couldn’t get to you in time. I hope we’ll see you this week though.
Kendall Bowlin says
Charlie, one of the studenta in our college and career sunday school class left for her summer mission to Kenya (she was originally supposed to go to Sudan but the plan changed at the last minute). Her name is Elizabeth Goodnite. Maybe you will run into her.
MississippiMom says
I’ll look out for her. Thanks!
robyn clark says
i’m praying for you. hope you have a fantastic trip!! 🙂 love you and we will catch up when you get back! -robyn