Her name is Treza. I call her "friend." Or maybe "sister." Because she is both. My beloved friend and sister in Christ. She is a living testament to me of how the Holy Spirit can bind the hearts of believers, closing distance and eclipsing time. As young(er) women, we worked together. We talked. We dreamed. And ever since, we have walked together from far away. We got married one week ...
When the blog is quiet, you can bet I’m busy….
Or sick. Or both as the case may be. This summer is going fast, isn't it? All the wheels keep spinning, and I'm just trying to catch my breath and keep up. I'll be in Kenya soon, and my kids will be here. I'm just not ready for that, but I'm also excited. The tension between the two is tough some days. I'm tired. When infants have ear infections, sleep is hard to come by. Teething ...
Five Minute Friday: Rhythm
So, it's Friday again, and I haven't written much this week. A week of VBS followed by a week of the stomach virus will do that to you. So, just to get back into the writing swing of things, I had to stay up late and visit with the ladies of the #FMFparty Thursday night and participate in Five Minute Friday. If you haven't, you should! Visit Lisa-Jo's site and just jump in! When I saw the ...
And blogging takes a backseat….
There are times when blogging just isn't at the top of my to-do list, you know? Times when kids are vomiting, fevers are spiking and everybody (including me!) is crying. That's where we've been a lot lately, but that's not the biggest reason for this past month's sporadic posting. Nope...daily visits to the children's clinic delay my posts, not derail them. But, doing the ...