So, on Fridays, I like to join with Lisa-Jo and many others and write for five minutes flat, inspired by one word. Today's word is "glue." Here goes: The glass orb hit the floor, leaving shattered shards lying around, and she began to pick them up, tiny piece by tiny piece. The she did the thing that none of us expected. She got out the glue. The super glue. And ...
Five Minute Friday
FMF: Paint
She adds color carefully, layer by layer, the image deepening with each new dye. In the middle of the method, only vague images appear, hints of what's to come. My eyes can't make it out, but the artist sees it clearly in her own mind's eye. My life is a lot like that. From the inside, the moment by moment middle of my routine, I can't always see the big picture. Just glimpses here and ...
FMF: Mighty
I saw the word "mighty," and my mind flashed more than ten years and many thousands miles back to a small plane, suspended in air over Lake Victoria in a lightening storm. Yes. A big one. Thunder is especially loud when it is all around you. And lightening flashes particularly bright right beside you. And, the lake below? Well, I didn't look down. Deep breaths. That's what I kept ...
FMF: Joy.
I remember the pitch black of an early African morning, heading out to "hunt" with friends in Masai Mara, looking for leopards, rhinos and a lot of adventure. The chill of the morning kept my eyes open, and I saw it. The sun rose like I never imagined. Not with a streak of light on the horizon like I'd seen so many times, but one enormous red ball all at once, an orb of fire suspended in the ...