A dear friend of mine whose oldest daughter is the same age as mine, has a preschooler. She is a beautiful, sweet surprise that has added so much to her family's lives. I count myself part of that family, and I can tell you: we all adore her. I watch her sweet mama do all the things mamas of littles do from day to day, and I can't help but think I don't have the energy for mothering small ones ...
Indescribable Atlas Adventures – And a LONG OVERDUE Review
About a year or so ago, I received a review copy of the Indescribable Activity Book for Kids by Louie Giglio. It arrived in all its new book glory looking exactly like this: Then it promptly disappeared. The next time I saw it, it looked like this: Ok. That's a bit of an exaggeration. This is what it looked when I found it in the back of my car after more than a few trips to ...
Should we homeschool? 5 Tips from a Teacher and Former Homeschool Mom
"Should we homeschool?" Every time I open Facebook, I see the question, and any time, I have a conversation with moms, I hear it, too? What should we do about school this year? I'll be honest and tell you I have no idea what's best, but I thought I might be able to offer a little bit of experience and advice for those of you who are considering homeschooling as an option ...
Homeschool Helps: Mexico Geography
Read on to learn about a great resource for studying the country of Mexico! My kids and I just finished studying Mexico's fight for independence, which created the perfect opportunity to learn more about the country just "south of the border." To be honest, I never knew much about Mexico, and I have never been there so when I had the opportunity to check ...