Do you get bogged down by your problems and forget your purpose? I know I do! There is power in remembering our purpose... One day, right at 20 years ago, I was driving a beat-up old Peugeot up a winding hill in Nairobi, having a conversation with Henry Blackaby, the author of Experiencing God. The memory sticks in my mind for several reasons. First, I was driving ...
Do Not Give Up – The Harvest Will Happen
Our home is surrounded by really old pecan trees. They're beautiful, but to be honest, they haven't been really useful. They simply don't make pecans. Truly. Most people get more pecans from one tree than we usually get from scores of them. Some years, the trees have been almost completely empty. In fact, the only year that we actually had pecans in plenty was the ...
Do You Need a Fresh Perspective?
Sometimes, we all need a fresh perspective, but how do we get one? And, how can a fresh perspective help us? What impact does a fresh perspective have on our lives? This past week, I've been picking blackberries. A lot of blackberries. Certain parts of our property are covered in prickly vines with red and ripening berries. Gallon bags of berries fill our ...
What is your heart really longing for? A Place to Land
What is your heart really longing for? Kate Motaung's book A Place to Land answers that question! I grew up with a sense of simply not belonging. Not to my family, not in my town, not anywhere really. Whether the root was the seed of doubt planted by a sister who convinced me I was adopted or an early desire to find a true home for my heart, I still don't ...