From the moment your kids enter the world, you are hugely influential in their growth and development. Day in and day out, from the newborn bubble to the teenage years, children learn a vast range of skills from their parents. If you have kids, it’s natural to want to create the best possible environment for them to develop, learn, and thrive. So how can we, as parents, nurture and support our ...
How to Know if Your Little One is Ready for the Next Learning Adventure
A dear friend of mine whose oldest daughter is the same age as mine, has a preschooler. She is a beautiful, sweet surprise that has added so much to her family's lives. I count myself part of that family, and I can tell you: we all adore her. I watch her sweet mama do all the things mamas of littles do from day to day, and I can't help but think I don't have the energy for mothering small ones ...
Minno Kids Streaming and Bible Review
As a mom, one of the things I worry about is what my kids come across when streaming videos. Even the most vigilant parents have probably had a moment when they had to ask, "WHAT are you watching?" Even videos designated for kids can be really problematic, and parental controls aren't always helpful. That's why I think you'll love Minno, a streaming platform with endless hours of faith-filled ...
Should we homeschool? 5 Tips from a Teacher and Former Homeschool Mom
"Should we homeschool?" Every time I open Facebook, I see the question, and any time, I have a conversation with moms, I hear it, too? What should we do about school this year? I'll be honest and tell you I have no idea what's best, but I thought I might be able to offer a little bit of experience and advice for those of you who are considering homeschooling as an option ...