*This post is sponsored by Belle Vue Specialty Eye Care. If I take off my glasses, all I see is colors and vague shapes. Anything more than a foot away from my face isn't clear, and it hasn't been since I was about eleven years old. Around that age, my older sister and I both had a drastic change in vision. My sister's vision is much worse than mine. One week she ...
Learnable Moments for Moms
Join us today for Encouraging Word Wednesday, a book review and a giveaway! I'll never forget the moment I realized my children were watching and learning from everything I do. I was preparing dinner, chopping vegetables and not paying much attention to what my small daughter was doing. She, however, was paying complete attention to what I was doing and was following me step by ...
Don’t Leave Out The Love – Understanding The Key to Meaningful Service
You're busy. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. How can you still do "all the things" you need to do with the love of Christ? How can that make your service meaningful? This week, I've been resting. Seriously. Weeks ago, a friend asked me to accompany her to a conference, and I told her I would. Then life happened. I completely forgot the dates of ...
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do – The Secret to Decision Making
Decision making is just part of parenting. Actually, it's just part of life. That doesn't mean it's easy. We all need wisdom to make decisions day to day. The question is: where do we find it? What do we do when we don't know what to do? I'll be honest. Right now, we are facing quite a few big decisions. The kind of decisions that wake you up at night ...