From the moment your kids enter the world, you are hugely influential in their growth and development. Day in and day out, from the newborn bubble to the teenage years, children learn a vast range of skills from their parents. If you have kids, it’s natural to want to create the best possible environment for them to develop, learn, and thrive. So how can we, as parents, nurture and support our ...
Creative Indoor Activities for Rainy Days with Toddlers
Rainy days with a toddler can feel like an endless round of snack requests, toy volcanoes, and spontaneous fits of boredom. It’s tempting to stay hidden away, but with the right activities, a drizzly afternoon can be nice and rewarding. The Ultimate DIY Sensory Bin If you haven’t done a sensory bin yet, you’re in for a simple parenting victory. You just need a big container and some textures ...
Parenting Hacks for a Successful, Less Stressful New Year
Let's be honest for a moment, ok? Motherhood is hard. Parenting is hard. It starts with sleepless nights and crying babies and morphs over the years to sleepless nights as you worry over out-late college students, sassy teenagers, and more laundry than you could ever have imagined. As moms, we have to manage it all. I'm not always good at it. If I ever manage to keep all the balls in the ...
Keeping it together while your spouse is away
When I was pregnant with our first child, my husband was routinely working several hours away and often had to stay overnight for meetings. It was just the two of us, so the distance was easy to manage until I found myself admitted to the hospital in preterm labor while he was on the road. Living in south Mississippi, I have several friends whose husbands work offshore, and I'm always amazed by ...