*This post is sponsored by Belle Vue Specialty Eye Care. If I take off my glasses, all I see is colors and vague shapes. Anything more than a foot away from my face isn't clear, and it hasn't been since I was about eleven years old. Around that age, my older sister and I both had a drastic change in vision. My sister's vision is much worse than mine. One week she ...
Don’t Leave Out The Love – Understanding The Key to Meaningful Service
You're busy. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. How can you still do "all the things" you need to do with the love of Christ? How can that make your service meaningful? This week, I've been resting. Seriously. Weeks ago, a friend asked me to accompany her to a conference, and I told her I would. Then life happened. I completely forgot the dates of ...
20 FREE Printable Bible Verse Lunch Box Notes for Your Kids
Encourage your kids with these FREE Printable Bible Verse Lunch Box Notes and help them face each school day with faith! Last week on Encouraging Word Wednesday, I wrote about How to Set Your Mind on Things Above, and today, I'd like to give you a little something to help your kids do just that at school every day! After all, our kids face so many decisions, ...
Holy Hospitality: Opening Your Home & Heart to Others
Do you struggle to practice hospitality? I know I do sometimes. 1 Peter 4:9 tells us to "offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." But how can we do it? Read on to find out! "Wakati wa chai (Time for tea)," I would say as I walked through the door of our organization's regional office. Holding roasted maize or pastries and looking forward to ...