I promised to share with you 31 Promises for Parenting, and if it takes three Octobers, I will do it. Because it's important to follow through. I tell my kids that, don't you? And, because God's Word is so good, so full of life for those who listen. We need life, don't we? It's easy to go through the motions, one task to the next. Lack of purpose, little focus and a bit less joy each step ...
God Knows the Answers.
From the moment they first put my daughter in my arms, I have had the same question: What do I do now? Those first days of motherhood are something, aren't they? I remember when my husband asked me a question, and I thought "How should I know?" I've felt pretty much that same way for the last 11 years. You can't read enough parenting books to have all the answers. No matter how ...
Can’t we all just get along? 3 Things to Do on the Days They Don’t
I've decided I'm going to start wearing a lot of stripes. I mean, I spend most of my days playing referee so I might as well look the part, right? Seriously, some days, I just want to scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" Okay, some days, I do scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" There are days my kids just will not be nice to each other. They argue about everything. I mean, today, one had a ...
Discipline isn’t pleasant. It’s productive.
When you first hold your sweet baby, it's hard to imagine there might come a day when the sweet sound of her cry will morph into a blood-curdling scream that can be heard by everyone in at least 8 aisles at the supermarket, but just wait. It will. It's amazing how quickly it happens, too. One day, your precious child is toddling around without a care in the world. The next, he is ...