I missed taking part in Five Minute Friday last week so I’ve been looking forward to it all week. At least I was looking forward to it until I saw this week’s prompt. My mind went blank, and it stayed that way. I am, however, committed to participating in FMF so I’m pressing forward. We’ll just have to see where this goes when it gets there.
I look at the word define, and to be honest something in me just backs away from it. I don’t like boxes. I don’t like limits, and for some reason, the very thought of being defined feels constrictive to me.
I know it isn’t always. Boundaries are good when they are defined, and messy when they’re not. I’m much more productive in my purpose when I’ve defined what it is.
But there are some definitions I don’t want. Some labels that I loathe.
And that’s why I am so thankful for grace.
Because of grace, there are some things that do not define you. They don’t define me, either. As I think of that, I breathe deep and exhale the anxiety I first felt when I pondered this week’s prompt.
Maybe you feel the same way. Maybe you need to be reminded of what does NOT define you, too.
5 Things That Do NOT Define You
- First, your mistakes. Oh, man, your mistakes do not define you. Not as a mother or a wife or a whatever it is is you are today. You make mistakes then, because of grace, you move on.
- Second, your money. Or your lack thereof. We live in a society that seeks status, that thinks stuff is what matters when we know that what you have does not determine who you are.
- Third, your past. There is so much rolled into this. Your family, where you come from, your past sins, your failures….all of it coming together to shape who you are. Your past shapes you, but it does not define you. It influences you, yes, but what you choose today does not depend on yesterday.
- Fourth, your job. Or lack thereof. So often, we tie who we are so closely to what we do that we lose ourselves when we lose our positions. You are a person who does a job. You are not the job itself.
- Fifth, and finally, other people’s opinions. Y’all, this one is hard because we wear other people’s words like badges, whether we’re proud of them or not. People don’t like change, and often, they don’t let you do it. I’ve been guilty of that type of judgement myself. I admit it. I’ve look with skepticism at someone who turned a new leaf, chose a new path. Thank goodness God doesn’t do that, too.
And, that’s what I want you to hear. The only thing that truly defines you is Him. You are what he says you are. I am a sinner. His word says so, but it also says I am:
- forgiven
- loved
- cherished
- holy
- acceptable
- perfect forever
- gifted
- growing
And so much more….
Those are the things I cling to, the labels I want to wear.
What about you? Do you have a label from the Lord that you love? What would you add to the list of things that do not define us? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Excellent list. I like your image aw well!
Thank you!