David and Goliath – The Giant in Their Story and in Your Life
Let’s recap this timeless story.
The Story of David and Goliath
(Based on 1 Samuel 17)
The Israelite army and the Philistine army camped on opposite mountains. Everyday for 40 days, the Philistine champion Goliath, came down the mountain and challenged the Israelites to send a man to fight him. The people of the loser would become the slaves of the people of the winner. Goliath defied the Israelites and the God they served.
David stayed home tending his father’s sheep while his oldest brothers went to fight alongside the Israelite King Saul. His father sent him to take provisions, check on his brothers, and bring back a token from the battle.
When David arrived Goliath came out and gave his usual speech. Shocked that the soldiers allowed this Philistine to defy God, David investigated the situation and offered to fight. Saul tried to give David the king’s own armor, but it did not fit and David refused. He cited God’s faithfulness in the past when he faced wild animals and spoke confidently of God’s sure victory against Goliath.
David took only his sling and five stones. After Goliath derided young David and blasphemed God, David very graphically described the fate of Goliath and the Philistines. David would take Goliath’s head and give the bodies of the Philistine army to the birds and beasts.
Finally, Goliath charged. Without hesitation, David ran forward and slung a stone that sunk in Goliath’s forehead. He then used Goliath’s own sword to cut off the enemy’s head. The Israelites army rallied behind David and slaughtered the fleeing Philistines.
We know this passage well, but perhaps, we’ve been focusing on the wrong giant in the story of David and Goliath.
We all tend to see ourselves as David facing the Goliath in our lives, whether a literal personal enemy or a personification of an overwhelming problem we face. In reality, though, we are probably more often like Saul.
Saul, the King of Israel, was the most qualified person to fight Goliath. He stood head and shoulders above all of the other Israelites (1 Samuel 9:2). This man was God’s anointed leader of God’s chosen people. He had all of the armor he needed and was backed by the Israelite army.
Yet Saul hid in fear. And, naturally, his soldiers followed his example.
Sometimes, we as Christians, act a lot like Saul. We’ve been saved by God and chosen for His purpose. He has anointed us with the Holy Spirit and given us the armor we need for spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-20). We are backed by fellow believers in the local church.
So why are we hiding?
From our perspective, often our enemy seems so big.
Maritial conflict.
Rebellious children.
We hide because we focus on the wrong giant.
In the story of David and Goliath, all of the Israelites quaked in fear each time Goliath came out and issued his challenge. They saw his unmatched confidence, his great size, and his fearsome armor–just his spearhead weighed 15 pounds!
From their perspective, defeat was inevitable.
Enter David–little brother, young shepherd boy, promising musician.
David brought a new perspective. Why? David knew the real giant in his story. At over nine feet tall, Goliath may have seemed big, but what is nine feet compared to our God?
The Creator of the Universe who holds the world in His hands is the real giant in the story of David and Goliath, as well as in your story and mine.
No matter what enemy we face, God is many times bigger.
Though the battle may not unfold how we would like, God is in control and is working first for His glory and then for our good. He will not long tolerate an enemy that blasphemes His name and taunts His people.
God has already won the war, but He calls us to faithfully fight our enemy while looking to Him as the Giant of our story.
The devil and the chaos he causes can seem overwhelming. Our enemy is great, especially when we try to fight him alone, but remember greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
Stand firm against your Goliath, but remember, Christian friends, GOD is the giant in your story.
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
*Thanks to my pastor and husband who shared in a sermon the original thought of God as the real giant in the story of David and Goliath and in ours.
****Thank you so much for visiting today! Please leave a comment and let Marsha (and me!) know your thoughts on her post! I love it…don’t you? Also, be sure to visit Marsha’s blog at Iwantthemtoremember.com..you’ll be glad you did! Now, for this week’s linkup. Add a link or two below and visit a blogger friend or four! I’ll be updating you on my trip to Kenya as I am able, but don’t forget to check back each Wednesday for some great guest posts!
Thank you, Charlie, for sharing your friend Marsha and her wise words with us!
Blessings to both of you!
The speech David gives to Goliath is one of my most favorite passages in all of scripture. His faith in God in the shadow of the threatening enemy is inspiring. And you’re right! God is way bigger and stronger than anything that we will ever face. We just need to be looking in the right direction! Thanks!
Such a beautiful perspective to the story of David and Goliath. Yes God truly is our giant though not to fight but to believe in.
Great post!
Such a GREAT reminder right when I needed it! Thank you!