This post was sponsored by the New Life film and written in partnership with Erin Bethea. I was compensated for this post, and it does contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
As I began decorating our home for Christmas this year, I started where I always do: with our nativity scenes. I began collecting nativity scenes when I lived in Kenya, and I have sets from all over the world. Each year, I arrange a number of the smaller ones on the long mantel in our den with garland and lights. It’s my favorite part of our Christmas decor and includes rough statues of Mary and Joseph that were given to my husband for me by a pastor in Chile and a set of Matryoshka dolls my husband gave me and various others, including one of my most favorite.
It is a clay sculpture that my grandmother gave us as a wedding gift. She always gave nativity sets as wedding gifts, and because she knew that I collected them, she wanted to find a special one so she asked a friend to bring one back from Italy for us.
She died the week before Thanksgiving, and I have to tell you that when I unwrapped that beautiful gift I broke down. I miss her so much, and to be honest, Christmas isn’t quite the same without her.
And, the thing is that as much as I miss her, I know there are others who are grieving and hurting even more than I am. Some of them are dear friends of mine, and not a day has gone by this week that I have not thought of and prayed for them, knowing Christmas without their loved ones will be very hard this year.
The holidays are a rough time of year for those who have experienced loss. Being able to hold onto hope in the midst of grief is challenging. In hopes of helping with that challenge, we wanted to share a few tips with you courtesy of New Life, a film that explores that very subject.
New Life tells the story of Benjamin Morton (Jonathan Patrick Moore) and Ava (Erin Bethea), who meet as children. What began as a childhood friendship grows into a meaningful relationship as the two plan out their lives together. When life takes a turn neither of them expected, their entire future is called into question, and they must decide what it really means to make the most of life. New Life is a love story that makes all of life beautiful. Take a look at the trailer below.
New Life explores the ups and downs of life and love, showing us that in good times and bad, life can be approached with hope and the opportunity for something new. Read on to learn 10 things in the film that will give you hope this holiday season.
10 Things in New Life that Will Give You Hope for the Holidays
Friendships that never falter
Children who see the world in a unique way
Remembering what it was like to fall in love for the first time
People who can always make you laugh
Realizing that sometimes the best part of fighting is the making up
Parents who believe in their children
Those who dedicate their lives to helping others
True Love
Family and Friends who give comfort when times are hard
Knowing that we are never truly alone
Interested in picking up a copy of New Life? You can pick up your copy here!
About Argentum Entertainment
Founded by Drew Waters and Erin Bethea, Argentum Entertainment creates quality projects for mass audiences by appealing to the highest demand in entertainment for just good movies.