I have to confess something. I hoard my energy.
Seriously. If you ask me to do something, I will do mental math computations to determine whether I have the energy to do what you ask and still do everything else that having four kids requires.
It’s just true.
Still, the mental math does not always win.
It can’t.
Because some things are more important than my needs.
Because others are more important than self.
Still, you know the feeling of committing to something you feel you should do but having no idea how you can possibly do it, right?
You know the feeling of listening to a friend, pouring the coffee and trying not to think about your own needs the whole time, right?
Surely I’m not the only one, right?
Proverbs 11 offers me so much hope for the days when the needs around me outnumber my resources and outrun my energy.
Verse 25 says, “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
What a wonderful promise!
We don’t have to hoard our resources, our time or our energy. God can give us more! And what’s more is that his word says he will.
So I am free to give and give generously.
Of my energy.
Of my time.
Of myself.