Does your family like pancakes? Since my children were little, I would pour batter onto the skillet, and make a turtle, or a doggie, elephant or whatever shape the batter poured out. I remember them asking, "Can you make a giraffe?" "Sure!" A long neck, small head, little ears. Easter 2015 But I didn't know why my daughter- in-law walked in Easter week- end with their ...
Notes from Nana: Advent Love
Christmas week is love. My post did not send across cyberspace to light the 4th week of Advent and the Christ candle of Christmas. But actually God is love and He enables us to love, even when we can't. We need Christmas all year! My SS class is named Agape'. As we gathered and had food and fellowship, the Christ candle was burning! At Christmas Eve Worship Service In ...
Notes from Nana: Advent Peace
I'm lighting the second candle of Advent: Peace! When I put my new Peace flag outside earlier in week, the wind was blowing and disturbing my photo. Perhaps YOUR peace has been disturbed or disrupted by life's circumstances? Make time to focus on the PRINCE of PEACE during this busy season. Abide in HIS Word! And wear God's whole armor! Peace to you...And IN ...
Notes from Nana: Advent Hope
I love Thanksgiving. The season, the holiday. And the fact of giving God praise all year. In all circumstances . Memorizing a verse, then seeking to live it gives deep meaning to God's Word in life. The writer of Hebrews tells us how: " Through Jesus let us continually offer to God the sacrifice of PRAISE..." Read it all in Hebrews 13:8, 15. Every season, every holiday, actually every DAY ...