That’s what my mind is anytime I try to think of words to put here in this blank space.
I could tell you so many things. Show you some even.
Things like…
how to make homemade play dough. (We did that today.)
what to do when you have too many bananas. (Yesterday.)
what our favorite apples are. (Honeycrisp.)
how to display scarves and necklaces (Last Week).
how to spend five hours in the Addis Ababa airport. (Last month.)
what to order at Diamond Plaza in Nairobi.
where you should go while you’re there.
And, why I went in the first place.
But as soon as I try, I just can’t seem to find the words to do it. They’re either too obvious (banana bread, anyone?) or too boring (walk around the same five shops for five hours) or too trite (rain in Africa, chai while the sun sets, etc.) or just too simple to do justice to the sublime (smiling faces, dear friends and so much more).
So, I ignore this place like the piles of laundry at the foot of my bed. And, like those piles, the mountain of words I need to say grows ever larger and looming. I can feel the weight of the unsaid words. And, I trip over the laundry, too.
So, I’ll try. I’ll write this today and some more tomorrow. And, maybe fold a load of clothes in the meanwhile.