Some days, all my kids do is complain. Or at least it seems that way. What about yours? How can we curb the complaining?
Well, it’s August, and we’re one week into homeschooling this year. It went so well for about a day and a half then suddenly all I wanted to do was scream:
“Can we all just stop complaining?!?!?”
Please tell me you feel the same way sometimes.
Some days, it seems like no matter what I ask my children to do, someone groans or grumbles or grunts.
Other times, they flat out whine and ask “Why?”
Because I said so.
Yeah, that goes over as well with them as it did with me when I was their age.
But it’s the truth, isn’t it?
I’m your mom. Obey me. Whether you want to or not. Whether you understand or not. Just do it.
And without the attitude, please.
I imagine God wants to say the same thing to his children, too, sometimes.
Because as frustrated as I get with my kids, I know I am just like them.
When things don’t go my way, I whine.
If things are harder than I want them to be, I throw my hands up or the towel in.
I grumble and grunt and do dishes with a vengeance.
My attitude and my actions leave a lot to be desired. So do my words.
This week, we all need the reminder to “do everything without grumbling or arguing.” (Philippians 2:14)
Maybe you do, too?
If so, I’d love to give you a free printable to put on your fridge as a reminder! I’ll be printing this out and posting it right in the middle of our schoolroom.
Just subscribe to my mailing list, you’ll receive a link to a PDF of the image above (without the
You know, it’s not just about the arguing or the complaining. It’s about Christ.
That’s what I want my kids to know and what I need to remember each day.
Philippians 1:27 says, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
Whether traffic is bad or my latte gets cold or something really important goes wrong, I have an opportunity to live in a way that reflects my faith.
So do you.
Today, let’s do it well.
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment and let me know how you keep yourself and your kids from complaining. I need the tips!
Also, it would be an honor to have you join us for Encouraging Word Wednesday this week. Leave a link or two and take a moment to encourage another blogger!
I can relate to this, Charlie! On the ride home from school, my kids need to vent. I let them do it, then I say, “Tell me one thing you’re thankful for today,” and I start with my own thankfulness. I can’t say it always changes the overall mood, but I think it keeps us going in the right direction. Blessings to you as you begin the school year!
Great job! I’ve hit that part of our summer…it seems to be non-stop whining and complaining. This is spot on. Thanks for the encouragement today!
I’ve been dealing with the same thing around here. Even this morning, I hardly had my eyes opened before the attitude and the complaining came flying my way. It’s exhausting. I’m constantly thinking of that verse in Philippians 2- Do everything without arguing and complaining. Taking on Jesus’ attitude. It’s hard work taking on that same attitude as Jesus!
Thank you so much for sharing this! Love the printable!
Great post! I don’t have any advice, but I LOVE the PDF. Will be hanging it up as a reminder for both me and my family 🙂
Charlie, I completely feel you! Just the other day I had to transfer items from one fridge to another three different times. And in that moment, I caught my heart attitude and realized that this is what I reprimand my children on… their heart attitude. Thanks for sharing this!