So, on Fridays, I generally lurk around, reading what others say in five minutes flat, thinking if the week’s topic says something to me, I MIGHT participate. Most times I don’t. You see, the perfectionist in me REALLY likes my backspace button. I mean, REALLY. Without that button, there’d probably be no blog. But still, the English teacher in me likes the idea of just writing, just putting words on paper (or screen) so today I think I will. Here goes:
Some days I do nothing but condemn myself. I’m too unorganized, too easily angered, too….well, anything I’d like to NOT be. This week, I’ve been alot of those things. And, I rehearse them to myself and to my Maker. And do you know what he has said to me in response?
“You’re too tired.”
Not, “You’re right.” Not “You’re hopeless.” Just “You’re tired….Rest.”
and, I wonder, “How?” And, he provides. My husband gives me a day off. A friend offers to bring lunch and fellowship. And I accept both, wondering, “What will I do all day? Dishes? Laundry? Errands?” And I hear….
Seriously? Just rest? Do the dishes….leave the mopping. Get the groceries….do some “fun” shopping, too. Dust….don’t vacuum.
Don’t cram it all in this one day. Rest…because you’ll be a better mom tonight if you take it easier today.
Thank you, Lord for you, “tend your flock like a shepherd: You gather the lambs in your arms and carry them close to your heart, you gently lead those who have young.” Thank you. (Isaiah 40:11)
Okay…truth be told….I went at least 30 seconds over…but oh well….next time, I’ll set something to beep.
If you’d like to join the Five-Minute-Friday Fun, visit TheGypsyMama today!
P.S. I realized after writing this that today’s topic was actually “Tender,” when I read Lisa-Jo’s post, I thought “gentle” all the way….oh well!
Hi there Mississippi Mom!
I’m your next door neighbour on FMF. I read your opening paragraph and we have some things in common…I laughed when I read about your love of the backspace button…I’m a perfectionist myself. I also love to write too. I’ve lurked around here a while myself, but I have taken the plunge a few times. Hearing my husband say how much he loves these posts, I’m recommitting myself to doing them every week…gotta please the readers you know!
Very lovely to meet you…hope the Lord refreshes your spirit over the weekend
P.S. I also took my tender down the gentle road 😉
God bless!
So glad you stopped by 5 Minute Friday. Your post is awesome. God too has been calling me to rest and when I obey, the rewards are more than I can speak of. Rest is a good thing. It lifts us up, encourages us, rejuvenates us. What a mighty God we serve! Blessings!
Wonderful revelation! Rest is something women have so much trouble with! Me included! We feel the need to be super-(fill in the blank) and truth be told, too many of us are just plain tired! Glad you had the revelation and ran with it! Blessings!