Joining in with Lisa-Jo at Five Minute Friday today. Join us!
“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”
And, yet, I leave so many words unspoken. Words like:
“Thank you.”
“Well done.”
“I love you.”
And more. Words that speak life into the hearts of ones I love. I might think them. In fact, I often do. I notice when my husband takes the trash out, but I often forget to mention that I did. I appreciate when my oldest exemplifies obedience, but I often only comment when she doesn’t.
And, just like mine, their hearts start to shrivel. Because we need words. We need to hear the affirmation we long to feel. Just like God spoke loving words over his own Son, we must speak them over our loved ones.
And, we have to remember that God speaks them over us. He calls us
And, we can bask in the glow of those golden apples.
I’m so glad I came to read your post. I needed this reminder. I am horrible when it comes to telling my husband “thank you” or “I love you.” Or even just a simple “you’re amazing.” I, like you, think them. I appreciate when he does little things, but I rarely think to tell him. I need to do better. I often forget to tell our four year old more good than bad. I think we are drawn to the negative more often than not and we forget just how uplifting the positive is. Thank you for the reminder.
Dropping in from the Five Minute Friday gang.
So true. Knowing we are Beloved, Beautiful, and Precious gives us a more intimate view of ourselves in God’s eyes. Thanks for these reminders.