On Friday, when I can find five minutes or the words to fill them with, I like to join in with Lisa-Jo and write with hundreds of other bloggers. Join us!
Today’s topic is “Ordinary.”
Someone once said something to me that I have never forgotten…because it bothered me so much. He said that we all want to feel like God has something special for us to do. And, he said it in a way that made me think he didn’t believe it. Like God wants us all to be ordinary.
And, I guess sometimes he does. Because my life is all about the ordinary. My dishes need washing, my laundry needs doing and the paint on my house is peeling. Ordinary problems in an ordinary life. Looking in from the outside you’d never know that this ordinary is home to the definitely divine.
Because God works that way.
An ordinary shepherd boy becomes a great king.
An ordinary girl becomes the mother of God.
And, an ordinary-looking baby in basic baby clothes grows to be a man who walks on water, calms the sea and raises the dead.
Because God’s presence makes the ordinary extraordinary.
So, while our lives might look ordinary, God’s purposes for them never are. He turns clay pots into treasure boxes. Because the secret on the inside of our ordinary lives is that He is living in them. And, wherever He is is holy, set apart for something special.
Dear Mississippi Mom,
God truly filled your writing moments this morning! I’m so glad that your FMF post just “happened” to be the one preceding mine because it speaks directly to my heart and to the spirit of my own early morning jottings.
“So, while our lives might look ordinary, God’s purposes for them never are. He turns clay pots into treasure boxes. Because the secret on the inside of our ordinary lives is that He is living in them…”
AMEN! You couldn’t have said this better.
God bless you, my writing friend!
~ A piece of “living terracotta”…
Thank you! I’m so glad you were my neighbor at FMF this week! Thanks for stopping by!
As a man, Jesus was ordinary too, there was nothing to make him stand out in and of himself. .It was God in Him that made him extraordinary!
Good thoughts Charlie!
So true!