It’s Friday, and five minutes is about all I have these days so I thought I’d join the Gypsy Mama and write with all I’ve got in the time I’ve got. Jump on over there and join us! One-handed typing is welcome. Can you tell?
Today’s topic? Change. Here goes:
My days may seem monotonous, but let’s face it, they are all about change. Changing diapers. Changing clothes that are soiled because of said diapers. Changing the clothes I just changed because of spit up or worse. Changing sheets on beds and covers on car seats. Changing plans and play dates and practically everything else.
With three children two and under, it seems all I ever do is change something. And I wonder, how does all of this “change” change me, my plans, my priorities? Am I learning anything of service, of sacrifice, of love?
Whew. Five minutes goes fast when you are sleep deprived!
My guess is you are learning a LOT about service, sacrifice and love. Three under two…WOW…I enjoyed reading this post. Thank so much for joining in!
Well the 5 minutes may go by fast but you shared some very powerful ideas. The line about how the changes can change you really jumps out at me … I want to think about that more (you may have been inspiration for a future blog post for me). Good luck with all the changes today will bring!
I’ll have to be watching for that post! I’m so glad you stopped by today!
oye, hang in there mamacita… i’m growing bellybaby #3 right now, and trying not to think too much about all the changing thats going to be going on in the next couple of months… but i’m trying to think about CLEAN laundry as my way through it all. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if I can keep that focus once the little one arrives… oye, again… 🙂
Congratulations on your little one! We went to the doctor in October expecting our third and found out our fourth was coming, too! we are so thankful for all of them, but yes, somedays, “oye” is about all you can say!
May you be sweetly blessed.
Thank you! Blessings….
You’re amazing for having them that close! How blessed you are and what a blessing you must be! Excited to read more of your writing!
Tired? Yes. Amazing? Hah! I’m just learning each day how much grace I really do need. I’m so glad you visited and hope you’ll stop by again soon!
Wow, moms are my heroes. It was great reading this post. Stopping by from FMF.