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So, finally, the weather is beginning to realize what month it is. I love October, can I just say that? So, here are a few of my favorite things (sing with me…raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens…okay, I’ll stop)…
- The fact we need jackets in the mornings and evenings. I love jackets! I love covers at night. I love snuggling up. And, now we CAN without sweating all over one another! (Yes, I have AC. I’m talking about outside when it’s so hot you really DON’T want a hug but have to take one anyway. And, don’t tell me ladies don’t sweat…everybody sweats in 100 degree, 100 percent humidity Southern summers. Everybody. Just don’t tell my grandmother I said that.)
- The fact that the pecans are falling, and so far, they taste GOOD! Pecan recipes to come, I hope…
- The fact that we don’t have a centrally located TV (what am I talking about…we don’t have a TV at all at this point) so I don’t have to feel obligated to watch the Rebels lose. Y’all, this season is BAD. My husband can watch the game on the computer while I can completely tune it out in another room. (I’m not a fair-weather fan…I just don’t need the spike in blood pressure that certain games can cause.)
- The fact that my son LOVED going to his first Ole Miss football game. They won that one.
- Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Enough said.
- The deer near our home. I finally saw one with horns. My husband told me, “They’re CALLED antlers.” Can you tell I grew up with a dad who didn’t hunt and a houseful of sisters? We also saw a baby bounding away last night…so beautiful!
- Pumpkins everywhere. They just make me happy. I will have a pumpkin patch one day. I will.
- The fact that I can drink my hot tea or apple cider outside now. Hot tea on a hot day might cool you off, but I do actually prefer it on a cool day.
- The fact that my son has learned to hug like he means it. (That has actually nothing to do with Fall, but how could i not mention it?)
Now, I’d better go, hoping you enjoyed this post. I burned my English muffins just to bring it to you.
Oh, and I lied…I actually do just “glisten.”
Hey Sis!
I just have to tell you that I had 2 of my fall favs yesterday, pumpkin cheesecake and a pumpkin spice latte. That along with being outside in this perfect weather made for a great fall day.
Just had to share!