This is a great (and easy!) craft to do with your kids this time of year. You simply trace your kids’ hands and one of their feet on light brown and dark brown material. (The first time we did this, two years ago, we used foam, but this year, we used felt…It’s a little harder to work with, but the ornaments turned out well.) Once the foot and hands are traced, cut them out. Also, cut out a red nose from felt, fabric, paper, foam…whatever you like. Glue the hands on as antlers with the thumbs on the inside. Glue the nose in place on the heel of the foot. Add eyes. You can use googly eyes or draw your own. Pierce (or hole punch if you’re not into improvising the way I am) a hole in the top and run a wire, ribbon, or ornament hanger through it. (The first time we actually used a pipe cleaner.) Write the child’s name and the year on the back and hang on the tree!
This was the first one we made, and it’s fun to see how much her hands and feet have grown in the past two years. We’re still working on the baby’s ornament…it’s much harder to trace the foot and hands of a nine month old. I have one hand (which I’ll probably flip over and trace) and am planning to trace his foot while he’s sleeping. Here’s hoping….