and two of my kids are recovering from a viral throat infection which caused Boo’s temperature to soar over 104. He shivered so hard the bed shook with him.
He was feeling better yesterday which really just means he had the energy to whine. He and his little sister. Sister #3 joined in for the fun of it, I think. Long day.
You should have seen us at the children’s clinic. For most of the last year, we have strolled the twins in because, well, there are two of them. Lately, though, we’ve been carrying them in because they’re bigger, they sit up, and the stroller is big, you know?
This week, however, I had a feeling we’d be carrying the brother, too, so we strolled them. (Good call considering the fact that by the time we arrived his fever had spiked again.) The people at the clinic are so patient with us. Four kids, two parents and a suburban of a stroller all in one little exam room? The doctor and nurse had to practically climb over it and us to check out the kids. But they did. They always do. And, they don’t even roll their eyes at me. That’s one way to make a mom feel like she might just make it.
So, what started out as an “I’ve been up since before six and have already fed babies, done Bible study and had two cups of coffee” kind of post has actually morphed into this:
If any of you are new to the Jackson area and are looking for a good pediatrician, in my opinion, you can’t go wrong with any of the doctors at The Children’s Clinic. That’s one of the things we like best. If you can’t see “your” doctor, you can be confident you’re still going to see a very good one. The after-hours clinic is great as well.
In fact, my mom will tell you that they have been “our” doctors ever since the night I was born. She says Dr. Thompson saved my premature life so she took all of us to him forever after that. Then, my sister and I did the same. Then, he retired, but he left us all in very good hands.
Disclosure: Just so you know…this is totally free advertising for The Children’s Clinic…because we love them!