It's December 1, and if you're like me, you're already running from one thing to the next, throwing Christmas ornaments on trees as carelessly as your kids and hoping for the best. And what you really need for Christmas is rest. And the ability to focus on the reason for the season. It isn't your family. It isn't their gifts. It isn't perfectly crafted Christmas cookies. It's ...
Can’t we all just get along? 3 Things to Do on the Days They Don’t
I've decided I'm going to start wearing a lot of stripes. I mean, I spend most of my days playing referee so I might as well look the part, right? Seriously, some days, I just want to scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" Okay, some days, I do scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" There are days my kids just will not be nice to each other. They argue about everything. I mean, today, one had a ...
Not Even THIS Family Was Perfect…So here’s some hope for yours.
I'm sitting here today thinking back over the Christmases we just had. What? You only have one Christmas? Two maybe? For us, Christmas is a marathon of celebration, which is often part of life when you have divorced parents. We spent Christmas Eve with my in-laws, Christmas day here at home, Boxing Day with my mom and Sunday with my dad and his wife. And I'm exhausted. The ...
Family is fun.
My baby sister had a baby this week. She's adorable. (The sister and the baby.) And far away. Fortunately, the baby's so cute you can almost smell the new baby scent through Instagram. I called one of my other sisters yesterday just to tell her I knew what song we need to sing to the baby. Her name will fit perfectly into a song from "The Music Man." Of course, we may not see ...