It's been a while since I joined Five Minute Friday. It's been a while since I blogged at all, too. I've been busy working on web design projects and other things, but I've missed taking time to write. I thought the best way to get back in the swing of things would be to jump in feet first with Five Minute Friday. Next week, maybe I can join the #FMFParty on Thursday night, too! (If you ...
Five Minute Friday
FMF: Care
Do you ever feel like no one cares? The friend who forgets to return your call.... The kids who pour milk all over the floor you just mopped.... Your husband.... Your pastor.... All the people who you'd like to just notice.... Notice that you're tired. Notice that you're trying. Notice that you need to talk to someone older than 18. But they don't ...
FMF: New
"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a NEW day with no mistakes in it yet?" If ever I felt like Anne Shirley's kindred spirit, it's tonight as I sit back and ponder the events of today. Or rather, my reactions to them. Some days I blow it from the very beginning. This was one of them. And, to be honest, I almost cringe at the thought of having to get up and do it all over again ...
FMF: Because
Because they say "bapple" instead of "apple".... Because she woke up this morning, reached for me and said "Pretty mommy".... Because he saw me tearing up the old brown linoleum and said, "You're ruining the beautiful floor!"... Because she is a peacemaker and a servant.... Because he is adventure that lives and breathes.... Because they make everything doubly challenging and twice ...