Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the endings. So I never begin. It's true. Fear paralyzes me. Doubts overcome me. I stall when I should start. Some tasks are so big they seem impossible. Whether it's the mountain of laundry that needs conquering or the sink full of dishes that need washing or the hundreds of pairs of earrings that need tagging or the projects that ...
Five Minute Friday
FMF: Belong
This week, I watched on Facebook as friends on different continents wrapped arms around babies who finally belong to them. Two beautiful girls who will now know what it is to belong and be loved. This week, my loudest child went visiting, and the silence isn't peaceful. It feels empty. Because he belongs here. And, all his noise is just part of him so it belongs here, too. This week, ...
FMF: Exhale
Exhale. To breathe out. To release. To let go. There are days I can feel that I'm holding my breath. Waiting for news. Waiting for answers. Waiting for my son to fall off the furniture. And, when the news is good or the answer comes or he lands on something soft, I breathe relief. But, what about the times the email contains more worries, the answers ...
FMF: Lost
Someone once said that I could "navigate my way through the Congo without a map," and while I've never had the chance to prove that, there have been times when I've come pretty close. Like the time a friend and I took a wrong turn out in the African bush and had to find our way back to the city based on the location of the only landmark we recognized. I told my friend who was driving that if we ...