One of my favorite things to do with my kids is explore recipes from other cultures. With Thanksgiving coming, I thought it might be interesting to explore recipes from another time. We've been studying the Pilgrims and the early settlements in New England so now would be a great time to look a little more closely at what the Pilgrims may have eaten at the first ...
Thanksgiving Word Search FREE Printable Activity Page
My kids love to do word searches. Do yours? I created this Thanksgiving Word Search to help pass the time as we travel to and from family gatherings or as my kids wait for dinner to be served. I hope they'll enjoy it. I hope you will, too! You can download the PDF for free here: Thanksgiving Word Search If you need other activities for your kids this ...
T is for Turkey! Free Printable Coloring Sheet
My kids love to color. One of the most common questions any of them ask is "Mom, can you print a picture out for me?" They especially like to color holiday pictures, and this turkey coloring page is perfect for Thanksgiving! Kids can color the turkey any way they like, and then they can practice writing the word in capital letters by tracing the word "turkey" on the ...
Thanksgiving Find it! Free Printable Game
Let's face it. Kids can get pretty frustrated waiting for the turkey to be carved and grace to be said. Add to that frustration the fact that young children are often a bit uncomfortable at large family gatherings where every stranger they see knows everything about them and seems to want a hug, and it's easy to see why toddlers sometimes throw tantrums at Thanksgiving dinner. Older kids do, ...