Recently, I posted a long list of gift ideas for little ones who love dinosaurs, and as I looked through it, I thought some of you might think you'd love to give some of those gifts to your kids this year. But you can't. Money is tight. Maybe you're out of work. Perhaps medical bills are piled up higher than presents. I get it. I grew up in a home ...
How to Bake a Beautiful Holiday Ham
A few years ago, I wrote a post about baking a Kentucky Legend Ham, and it is one of the most visited posts on this site so I thought I would update it a bit and share it with you again in case you're looking for a delicious recipe for the holidays. As I said then, I have never been the biggest fan of ham...unless, of course, my mother makes it. She can turn a ham into a work of art and a ...
Not Even THIS Family Was Perfect…So here’s some hope for yours.
I'm sitting here today thinking back over the Christmases we just had. What? You only have one Christmas? Two maybe? For us, Christmas is a marathon of celebration, which is often part of life when you have divorced parents. We spent Christmas Eve with my in-laws, Christmas day here at home, Boxing Day with my mom and Sunday with my dad and his wife. And I'm exhausted. The ...
Spread some cheer with EASY Christmas cards this year! #giveaway
It's that time of year. You know, the time of year you're following your kids around with a camera, trying to get ONE GOOD PHOTO. Seriously. I managed to get all my kids to look at me for a picture in The Grove one day, and my sister said, "Slap it on a Christmas card and call it done." The fact their little faces were covered in buttercream icing is of little consequence, I ...