I don't know about you, but when people visit my home, I want them to feel at home. I want my living room to invite them to kick off their shoes and curl up with a cup of coffee, and if they're staying the night, I hope the bedroom is a relaxing place that promotes a wonderful night's sleep. Even the bathroom adds to the cozy feeling you create in your home. From the foamy soap at the sink to the ...
Home and Garden
Review: Pinion Pins
This post is WAY past due. I've been meaning to write it for weeks, but I've been busy. And traveling. And, well, behind. Which actually works out better because I can tell you that when I first tried Pinion Pins, I liked them, but now that my comforter has been staying in place for more than a month, I can say without question that I LOVE them. Seriously. I don't know why but our ...
Going “Kuku”!
So, things have been a little crazy around here. You could say we've all gone "kuku"! ("Kuku" is the Swahili word for chicken, by the way!) We welcomed six little baby chicks around Easter. And, no it wasn't a whim of the Easter Bunny. I've been asking my husband for chickens for years. I was hoping to document the building of our coop with a series of posts, but after the first few days, I ...
Why I mopped this morning….
You know it's time to clean your kitchen when you find yourself trying to figure out what you'll do if someone drops by. This morning, I actually thought that if someone stopped by, we could pretend we weren't here, but then I realized that they would hear us. We're loud. So, I thought, I can tell them that we "MIGHT" have the flu. I mean, I've got four kids. At any ...