Some days, all my kids do is complain. Or at least it seems that way. What about yours? How can we curb the complaining? Well, it's August, and we're one week into homeschooling this year. It went so well for about a day and a half then suddenly all I wanted to do was scream: "Can we all just stop complaining?!?!?" Please tell me you feel ...
Teach Your Kids About True Love This Valentine’s Day
I have to admit that though I enjoy homeschooling and do believe it's the best choice for our family, there are times I worry about the things my kids might be missing out on. Usually, it's the things I enjoyed most as a child that come to mind, things like classroom parties and fun celebrations. I mean, don't you remember how much you looked forward to things like the ...
Rekindling the Joy in Your Homeschool
A new year promises a new beginning. Just the thought makes me smile because, y’all, I need one. I love being with my kids every day, teaching them and learning with them, but I have to be honest and say that we didn’t exactly finish last year on a high homeschool note. If Christmas holidays were the finish line, we barely limped across it. There were several reasons that had ...
No Matter What They Call You, There’s Just One Name You Need
Has it really been four months since I last posted here? Good grief. I do apologize for the absence. In the mean time, my blog had a bit of an identity crisis (much like its author, I guess) so I have done a little redesign and figure that if the kids can get back to school I can get back to blogging. We're busy. I'm busy. Everyone's busy, and to be honest, it's easy to be overwhelmed ...