I've decided I'm going to start wearing a lot of stripes. I mean, I spend most of my days playing referee so I might as well look the part, right? Seriously, some days, I just want to scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" Okay, some days, I do scream, "Stop screaming!!!!" There are days my kids just will not be nice to each other. They argue about everything. I mean, today, one had a ...
Talking with Toddlers
Ahh....communicating with kids. Little ones. It can be a challenge, can't it? I realized just this morning that I really don't have "toddlers" any more. I feel kind of like a person peering around the edge of a corner to a whole new world, tentatively stepping forward, knowing there is NO going back. It's scary and amazing. I'm *this* close to having a ...
Light Shines in Darkness.
We went trick or treating tonight, and as I saw the flickering of light peering from pumpkins, I was reminded of something I want you to know: Light shines in darkness. That's what it does. The darker it is the more impact of a little light. I lived in Kenya during a time of severe drought, and power rationing was a way of life. My small flat had electricity from about 10 p.m. until 4 ...
There’s a difference between believing IN God and believing Him.
If asked, many people will say, "Sure, I believe in God." The problem is they don't believe Him. What's the difference, you ask? Well, believing in God is acknowledging his existence, but believing him is so much more. It's taking him at his word. One of my favorite Bible studies is Believing God by Beth Moore, and I always try to remember the five things that study ...