Let's take a moment this morning and be honest with one another. Or, just let me be honest with you. Sometimes I get tired of all the things I HAVE to do as a mother. Discipline. Laundry. Dishes. Discipline. Cleaning. Sweeping. Discipline. You're probably noticing a pattern here. Teaching our kids right from wrong, helping them understand that actions have ...
There is no “Mother of the Year Award.”
Yesterday, a frazzled friend said something to me about not winning the "mother of the year award." I said the same thing to her that I want to say to you: There is no such thing. Because none of us would win it. We all have our moments of mothering madness. The moments we cringe to remember, the ones we want to forget. Because mothers all have one thing in ...
A Note From The Worst Mom Ever
Do you ever feel like " the worst mom ever "? We all do sometimes. The question is what should we do with those feelings? How do we overcome them? It's funny what you can find when you take a look through your blog's archives. I didn't even realize I've been writing here at MississippiMom.com for more than FIVE years. Time flies when your life is full, doesn't it? A ...
What if You Make a Mess of Motherhood?
So, I made two of my children cry today and not because they were being sent to bed or denied something they just HAD to have. I made them cry because I made mistakes. First, my son opened the door of our van just a split second before I pushed the button to open it, which then closed it. On his hand. Regardless of the fact there was no way I could have foreseen the ...