The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, but how can we do that? I can hear my Kenyan pastor saying, "God is good?" He always left the question hanging in the air, waiting for the response he knew he'd receive. "All the time," the church responded. "All the time?" he asked. "God is good." That truth is central to the very idea of ...
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Happy November, everybody! I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed. The past several months have been nothing but a blur, but God has been faithful and good throughout. I didn't participate in Write 31 Days this year so I am planning on posting every day this month. Some days, my posts may be nothing more than a scripture about giving thanks; other days, ...
Happy Thanksgiving and Winner Announced!
I just wanted to take a moment and say, "Happy Thanksgiving!" I also wanted to congratulate Emilee B. for winning the Kodak Moments giveaway! Emilee, you should receive and email from me with prize details. If you don't let me know (but be sure to use the email address you used for the contest)! Blessings to you all…. ...
Fairly Easy Pretzel Turkeys
So, I had mentioned we were going to try to make pretzel turkeys, and we did! We did it a bit differently than the image I had pinned so I wanted to be sure to show it to you. I decided I didn't want to melt and dip chocolate so we got mini pretzels and Rolos. I placed the pretzels on a baking sheet then put a Rolo on top of each pretzel. Then we put them in the oven for a ...