Reading along in Proverbs 10, I came across a little something that just grabbed my heart and has stayed on my mind. Proverbs 10:5 says, “He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.” From the context, I think the writer was talking about laziness and hard work, but y’all, the last bit of that verse has implications far beyond that ...
Always Learning…
I would love to think that one day I will “arrive.” You know, I’ll finally have it all together. I’ll know the things I need to know and do the things I need to do, and my tongue will finally be completely tame. And, I’d love for this to happen before I get to heaven. But…. I won’t. I trust that by the power of the Spirit, I will be wiser. But, there will always be room ...
Wisdom Calling
If Proverbs 7 makes it clear that seduction seeks us out, Proverbs 8 makes it just as plain that wisdom calls us, too. We feel as if we’re wandering in the dark by the light of our cell phones without a guide to lead the way. In reality, wisdom meets us on our paths and calls to us at the corners. Wisdom does not wait in hiding, found only by those who stumble upon her. “At ...
Seduction Seeks Us Out
When I read Proverbs 7, I realize just how easily we can be led astray. I mean, like the “youth who had no sense,” I too live among the “simple.” And, like him, I sometimes walk carelessly down some pretty dangerous paths. Because, he was blind to the danger, and sometimes so am I. Because seduction seeks us out, doesn’t it? The woman in Proverbs 7 sought him out. (v. 15) Our ...