The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and it’s the official first day of spring. After weeks of rain, I feel as refreshed as the green grass is starting to look.
It’s like the world is waking up and starting over.
Bushes and trees that seemed dead a week ago are blooming, full of life and light and vibrant colors. The air is crisp and cool and full of expectation because something new is happening.
How can you not love spring? Even when it comes covered in pollen.
Because we all need new beginnings.
And spring is a reminder that we serve the God who gives them.
After all, God:
- takes what is dirty and makes it clean
- finds what is lost and brings it back
- makes old things new
- and breathes life into things that are dead.
And, during spring, if we watch, we can see all of that happen once again. Every time we see a bulb we’d forgotten bloom, spring reminds us that God is at work in this world.
That he’s at work in us.
And, oh how I need that reminder!
I need to know he’s not quite finished yet.
He has plans I don’t know about it and purposes I don’t understand.
And, just like he works in the dark, cold dirt during winter, he’s working in places I don’t see to bring about beauty I can’t even imagine today.
How good our God is!
He’s working in your life, too, though you may not know it.
He works:
- all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28)
- in you to will and to act according to his good purpose (Philippians 2:13)
- so we can do the good works he has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10)
- to equip us with everything good for doing his will and work in us what is pleasing to him (Hebrew 13:21)
- to act on our behalf (Isaiah 64:4)
- to draw people to himself and his Son (John 6:44).
Maybe you need to remember that today, too? If so, I’d like to give you a set of 5 free printables featuring Revelation 21:5 to remind you that “He makes all things new.”
Just subscribe below to receive your free printables. (If you’re already a subscriber, you should have received yours already!)
Don’t forget to link up for Encouraging Word Wednesday at the end of the post!
I hop you’ll join us this week for Encouarging Word Wednesday! Leave a link or two to your most recent faith-filled posts and be sure to visit another blogger (or two!) and offer them an encouraging word!
Lauren Renee Sparks says
Beautiful thoughts and printable.
Michele Morin says
YES! You have captured everything about spring here, and I’m so grateful for the new beginning each day, each season with God.
Tea With Jennifer says
What a lovely refreshing post! He does make all things new! We are in our Autumn here in Australia.