Anyone with a blog can tell you: numbers can be intimidating.
There’s so much more to blogging than just putting words in a post.
That’s just the short list.
If a you’re not careful, you can spend more time worrying over the numbers of your blog than the words you write for it. It’s easy to let comparison consume you.
I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately because I want you to know that I think in blogging (and in life) ONE is the most important number.
One reader, the one reading right now, is more important than any others who MIGHT read.
I have your attention, and I want to focus my efforts on encouraging YOU. Because you’re here.
You may be the only reader I have today, and you matter. (Even if you are my mom.)
There may be days not even my mother reads this blog.
And, that’s okay, too.
Because the ONE I’m really writing for is always aware.
He notices more than numbers. He loves me even when no one “likes” me.
He’s the audience for all my effort.
And, he’s the one who makes the writing worth it.
He can take my simple words and give them greater meaning. He can point people to them at the proper time. He can take a little thing and make it lasting.
So, “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
I like your perspective on this. And I too feel like people get caught up in the numbers game and forget that good content is what their readers care about the most.
Thanks for linking up at the Shine Blog Hop!
Our Blog should be the one Jesus would want to read.
God bless.