Lately, I’ve been trying really hard to keep a bit more order in our home, in my life, and this is one thing that really seems to be helping. To all the neat freaks out there, this probably goes without saying, but for people like me who struggle to get anything done some days, I’ll go ahead and say it:
Empty the kitchen sink. EVERY NIGHT.
Seriously. Waking up to an empty sink is a real morale booster. We do a lot of entertaining around here, and sometimes the dishes overwhelm me. We usually end up on Monday nights with a load in the dishwasher and another in the sink so Tuesday mornings used to find me staring at a sink full of dishes when I needed to be starting today’s tasks instead of finishing yesterday’s. Not anymore…on most days.
I’ve found that just washing them off and putting them in the drying rack, leaving the sink empty, while they wait for the washer, even helps so that’s what I’ve started doing. And, let me tell you: I am thankful every time I walk in the kitchen to fix breakfast and find the sink empty and the dishes done. It’s worth the five extra minutes it might take the night before. Not only does it save that sinking (get it?) feeling when you walk into the kitchen, it also helps manage pests in your home, so just get it done! Especially considering how often my plan of doing dishes while the kids eat breakfast used to be derailed by the fact we were late for school, or someone was crying, or someone else couldn’t find her socks…or shoes…or anything. Our morning routines are much smoother, and I feel less harried and hurried, which means my kids probably do, too.
All because the sink is empty.