Sometimes, on a cold winter’s night, there’s nothing better than a hot baked potato. Nothing, I tell you. And, there are certainly no baked potatoes better than these. I first learned this trick on a website very simply titled “How to Bake a Potato.” To be honest, I felt a little silly when I googled that (and even sillier as I read it), but my family, friends and taste buds have all repeatedly rejoiced over the fact that I did. Yours will too when you try this….
Here’s how to perfectly bake a potato:
Preheat oven to 325 and place a rimmed baking sheet on the bottom rack. Wash your potatoes very well. Pierce each potato 3-4 times with a fork. Pour a few tablespoons of olive oil on one plate and a heaping pile of coarse salt and coarse pepper mixed together on another. Rub olive oil then salt and pepper mixture onto each potato. Place potatoes on top rack of oven directly over baking sheet. Bake for about an hour, until potatoes are thoroughly cooked. (Test by gently squeezing potatoes. Be sure to do so with an oven mitt or something. When they feel soft, they’re done..and if one should burst a bit, they’re perfectly done!)
To serve, slice potatoes almost in half and top with whatever toppings you prefer. The very best part of these pototoes is the perfectly seasoned skin…eat it!! Make more than you need and use leftover potatoes to make twice-baked potoates, too!
That looks delicious! I’ve already done away with wrapping the potatoes in tin foil– the skin is SO delicious when you let it cook without! But I’ll have to try the salt/pepper rub.