Do you ever just get surprised by the goodness of God? I know I do! All my life, I have longed for adventure, dreaming of far-off places and different cultures. I've loved history and adore languages, and though I've seen a lot of the world, I always want to see more. But... I have a husband, four kids, a limited budget, a job, a home to take care of.....and a number of other things ...
Encouraging Word Wednesday Returns!
Hi, everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? I apologize for the little break we've had from Encouraging Word Wednesday. I was so busy at the end of the school year, while I was preparing to go to Kenya and trying to be sure my kids were at all the events with all the projects know. You've been there. After returning from Kenya, I found myself in the same predicament I usually ...
The God Who Makes All Things New
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and it's the official first day of spring. After weeks of rain, I feel as refreshed as the green grass is starting to look. It's like the world is waking up and starting over. Fresh. Bushes and trees that seemed dead a week ago are blooming, full of life and light and vibrant colors. The air is crisp and cool and full of ...
Rescuing Teen Mothers in Kenya
Happy Wednesday, everyone! I want to kick this week's Encouraging Word Wednesday off by announcing the winner of last week's giveaway! Congratulations, Angel Penn! Email your mailing address to me at charlie at, and I'll send a copy of Learnable Moments for Moms your way! If you haven't read Angel's blog, visit today! She writes so many encouraging posts about marriage ...