My baby sister had a baby this week. She's adorable. (The sister and the baby.) And far away. Fortunately, the baby's so cute you can almost smell the new baby scent through Instagram. I called one of my other sisters yesterday just to tell her I knew what song we need to sing to the baby. Her name will fit perfectly into a song from "The Music Man." Of course, we may not see ...
Family Fun
Notes from Nana: Animal Pancakes
Does your family like pancakes? Since my children were little, I would pour batter onto the skillet, and make a turtle, or a doggie, elephant or whatever shape the batter poured out. I remember them asking, "Can you make a giraffe?" "Sure!" A long neck, small head, little ears. Easter 2015 But I didn't know why my daughter- in-law walked in Easter week- end with their ...
DIY Clothespin Christmas Star Ornament Craft
By now, I'm sure you realize that we love glitter. Or at least my kids do. So, they loved making these DIY Christmas Star Ornaments, and I LOVE watching them sparkle on our Christmas tree. To be honest, I wasn't sure how this craft would work out so I didn't take photos of the process, but it's pretty simple so no worries! First, you will need 8 Wooden Clothespins for each star. Take ...
Easy Gingerbread Reindeer Cookies for Christmas
I love gingerbread. I blame it on Primos. And, I love these little gingerbread reindeer. I had planned to make this treat especially easy with the use of Pepperidge Farm Gingerman Cookies, but I couldn't find them ANYWHERE. So, I decided I'd bake after all. I used this recipe, which is wonderful. The cookies were soft and chewy and full of flavor. Try it! To make these cute, ...